Saturday, May 9, 2020


It’s time's fault
we only scratch the surface
of things we learn.

Only just yesterday I explored
a little more about the
infamous murder hornet.

But I don’t have time
to become a hornet expert,
so my scant research halted,
leaving me somewhere
between Vespa this and
yellow legs that and something
about an invasion along the northern
border of France in 2009.

And that article about maps,
or the one about Viking discoveries
in Newfoundland... forget it. No
time to scratch that surface,

though I long to.

Yes, I do. That’s why
Mr. Sandburg’s Window caught
my attention today. Sometimes
we have to take time to dig more.

I admit - it may turn up little. But
it just may reveal a treasure
that will cast off a voyage
of a lifetime. I’ve got time for that.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

The Beginning of Quarantine

Covid-19 teaching 
is like nothing 

And it started 
today without 

from me. Just
some things I

That comfort 
brought me

So did hearing
from my

in short messages,
responses and

Something hopeful 
being connected 